Welcome once more to virtual Hong Kong, the Wandering Aidan blog! We're back in business. We haven't gone spiraling off on any crazy adventures yet (somewhat surprisingly), so instead I'll update you on what we've done so far.
The first point of interest was getting here. Here's the lowdown of all the bad things that happened, from the minute we set foot outside our house into the world of annoyingly annoying annoyances.
1. Car service is twenty minutes late. We call many times without receiving a response.
2. Car service is now thirty minutes late, so we call a taxi, which arrives in two minutes.
3. Our flight out of Denver is delayed twice, by a total of 2.5 hours.
4. United Airlines can't make up their mind about whether or not to switch our flight. Different people give us different information, until it is finally decided that we are staying on our delayed flight. We are reassured many times that we will have enough time to get on the next flight, and even if we don't, they will wait for us.
5. The doors to our next flight close. They don't wait for us.
6. We wait at a help desk for 45 minutes. In response to the large line of people, the desk closes early at 4:00 in the afternoon.
7. We learn that there was an empty help desk 5 minutes away that nobody mentioned.
8. We call my dad (who is already in Hong Kong) to alert him that we will be late, waking him up from a dream in which we had finally arrived and a joyful reunion had occurred.
9. We go switch our baggage to our new flight. We are directed to a United Airlines counter, where we wait for an hour to finally make some progress with our tickets.
10. We are then sent off again to an American Airlines counter, who we are told can help us. They can't. They tell us that, despite the fact that our ticket says "American Airlines", we are flying Cathay Pacific.
11. Cathay Pacific refuses to give us a boarding pass until four hours later, when the handouts officially start.
12. After twelve wonderful hours in the airport, we finally get on the flight at 1:30am!
So, that was… interesting.
Now for some background on what we're up to in Hong Kong. We're giving home-schooling a shot, and it's going surprisingly well, with only a few hitches- like the fact that my mom doesn't know Spanish. As for activities, we're going into the city this Saturday to see a science-related iMax film, but other than that, not much interesting is happening this week. I might find something to post, but don't expect much.
Thanks for reading!
Bonus: The Detention Balcony!
Here I am, in detention for attempting to take seven consecutive bathroom breaks during math. Due to the extreme heat and humidity, this would actually make a fitting punishment for any ne'er-do-wells. |
Up next: Not much!