Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's a rough life

It's a rough life here in Khao Lak. To prove it, here are some pictures.

I decided to go boogie boarding today. Once you get used to it, it gets pretty easy, as seen below.

 To add once more to the wildlife sightings, here is a giant snail and a sand-colored crab. This particular crab has evolved an incredible camouflage. Can you find it in the picture?

Pictured below is me relaxing with a smoothie at the bar located in the pool.

We encountered a beautiful inlet today, too. An inlet is where ocean water runs into the land past the usual shoreline. On the right, you can see a miniature cliff made entirely of sand.


Sorry, I don't have any bonus photos for you, but I do have a bonus wildlife sighting. While we were relaxing in the pool, we noticed another lizard scampering along the far edge... But this one was about two feet long! A hotel attendant was attempting to shoo it off with an uprooted umbrella stick from one of the pool chairs, which the lizard didn't seem to mind too much.

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