This is a sad day, loyal followers. It is my last non-bonus day of blogging. Please refrain from crying all over whatever device you're reading this on, as that would probably be bad for it. I know it is a sad departure, but at least there will likely be another bonus blog post. It's been a great journey with you... and with Dad, my guest blogger.
Today was a nice, relaxing finish to the Ecuadorian saga. We wandered around town for the better part of our day, and relaxed and went to the hotel pool during the other portion. Of course, we had to drag Mom away from a couple of churches. She has this thing for churches and cathedrals, and I've seen enough to last me a lifetime.
Our main adventure was a museum of the city of Quito, with a built-in church. Before it was a museum, it was a hospital, the first one in South America. There was some history of Quito, Ecuador, but I can't explain any of it to you because it was in Spanish. Just when we were about to leave, a man announced that a tour of the belfry, or bell tower, was starting in about five minutes. When we reached the belfry, we found that it was a small square with mostly open walls and a great view.
However, the "best" (I should probably say "most interesting") part of the belfry tour was the stairs leading up to it. There were only about 60 of them, but they were terrifying. There were three small sets, only about one of which would pass code almost anywhere else. Oh, and only the last one had a handrail. The first was a set of narrow stone steps so steep that, almost without even bending over, you could grasp the step two steps up from you to help you climb. The second set was comprised of fairly standard stone steps, except that there was a small pit next to them and no handrails. Finally, there was a set of narrow, sharply spiraling wooden steps that were slippery from rain. Sound fun?
After we were done peeking into several other churches, we walked over to a park that I now call "The Park of Really Cute Dogs". Many people came out to walk their dogs in the park, hence my name for it.
This is the end of this post, not counting bonus features, but don't worry! One more post, and perhaps even two, are coming. And there's always the next vacation! Until then, hasta luego!
Bonus photo: Fruit Boy!
Bonus feature: Wandering Survey!
This is a survey, so I can see how I can be better! You don't have to take it, nor do you have to answer all the questions if you do. Please respond in a comment. There should be an option for commenting beneath each post, and you can even comment as an anonymous user.
1: Humor content
a.) More, please!
b.) Keep it as is!
c.) Less, please!
2: Pictures
a.) More, please!
b.) Keep it as is!
c.) Less, please!
3: Guest blogging
a.) More, please!
b.) Keep it as is!
c.) Less, please!
4: Other opinions
This one's a write-in.
By the way, I'd like to give a special shout-out to my mom, who proofread every blog entry. Thanks!
Spanish contest standings:
Aidan- 55
Mom- 6
Dad- 34