Monday, March 24, 2014


Hello, loyal followers! You are going to love today's wildlife report. Have patience, and you will be able to witness many things, not least incredible cuteness!

Today's theme was "Island Tour". We visited two different islands, each with their own unique land and water wildlife. That is, if you can call biting sand flies "wildlife".

Before we get started, here are some photos. Gaze upon them in wonder, for they took a really long time to upload.

This is me in our tent.

This is the Klingbeil-dubbed "Lump Island", noticed for its unique and slightly blocky shape. We never got to visit it.

The first island we visited was North Seymour. This was where we found all of the non-fly land animals. We hiked across flat, rocky land, that was sprinkled with red-tinted stones. The terrain changed abruptly when we arrived at the beach, to grainy sand and patches of black rocks that housed sea lions and crabs and curved out into the sea. The rest of this island can pretty much be summed up by the wildlife report.

Redundant title wildlife report:

Giant Lizards

(They eat cacti!)

Blue-footed booby

Hermit Crab

A Rare Red Footed Booby

Frigate Bird

Frigate Bird with pouch inflated

Frigate bird sleeping on pouch

Baby frigate bird

Baby frigate bird

Galapagos snake

Sea lions hugging

Sea lion up close

Red crab

We have little in the way of pictures for our second island, because nearly all of the interesting life was underwater. We saw an extremely colorful, coral-eating parrotfish, which, as you may know, is very large. We also saw a fish that looked almost exactly like the parrotfish, but was a bright orange and blue. Again, not much on land, but there was a surprise for us at the nearby lake...

Wildlife report part II


A flamingo at the lake!

Marine iguana

The marine iguanas were incredible swimmers. They could use their powerful tails to thrash through the water, even against the waves. They could even, as we observed, bodysurf and ride the tide.

We returned to the hotel (if you can call it that) by boat. That's all for now!

Spanish contest standings:

Aidan- 31

Mom- 4

Dad- 16

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