Saturday, August 16, 2014

There's No Place like (What used to be) Home.....

Welcome to England, blog readers! Our 4-continent journey comes to a stop here. We've cooled down by shopping and relaxing in Windsor and London. We haven't gone on any big expeditions, but here are some highlights.

The "Long Walk" in Windsor is about 2.6 miles long. We all jogged down it together, leaving me quite tired.

Another view.

We rented some bikes in London to explore the parks.

This is the palace where Prince William lives.

As our tradition demands, we visited this sandy playground. My vessel seems to be the victim of a mutiny.

This is humiliating.

It's dangerous to let me get bored.

After a few more days in London, our continental saga will come to a close. I hope you all enjoyed my blog. Thanks for reading!

Next up: More London!

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