Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wandering Aidan Miniseries, Episode 5

Greetings, readers, and welcome to the fifth and final episode of the Wandering Aidan Miniseries! I hope you've enjoyed the series, because I've run out of things to talk about. Today's theme is "Contrast and Halloween".

In every city, there are new bits and old bits, and Hong Kong is no exception. However, these parts are usually separated- and that is where Hong Kong differs from, well, most other places. Here, old and sketchy parts are mixed right in with new and clean areas.

Hong Kong Mixes:

1. The Whammy Ladies (the ones with the cursing shoes, remember?) are only about 100 feet away from a Lamborghini dealership.

2. The Wet Market, a large area selling all manner of dead things, is around the corner from a "Tiffany's" jewelry store.

3. Run-down buildings frequently transition into modern ones, and then transition back again.

4. These boats.

A sleek, expensive yacht and a run-down fishing boat mingle freely.

5. Here is a Porsche directly behind a pile of trash.

Halloween Special!

Happy Belated Halloween, everybody! Here are the pumpkins we carved this year.

From left to right: Dad's pumpkin (standard scary), my pumpkin (my own face), and Mom's pumpkin (a ghost saying "BOO!").

And here is what they looked like after twelve hours, no exaggeration. Hong Kong is ridiculously humid, and apparently that affects mold- positively. For the mold.

The eyebrows on Dad's pumpkin were actually filled in with mold. The pumpkin is also significantly shorter in this pic, having shriveled overnight.

There was one more pumpkin not pictured here. Even though we only bought three pumpkins, we got this fourth one as well. It's a cute little pumpkin sprout that we found growing out of one of the seeds! Aww…

Here is the sprout in front of my pumpkin (its mother, basically).

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pumpkins! Hope you're having a good time in Hong Kong.

