Thursday, June 25, 2015

Final Phase

Welcome back, loyal readers! We've moved on to England for the final phase of our trip. We've decided to finally relax a bit, so there's not much to blog about, but a few things remain interesting.

First of all, a few blasts from the past. We've revisited a few events showcased in the last England blog ("There's no place like (what used to be) home...", August 2014 - look it up) and gathered a few suspiciously familiar photos.

The end of a run on the Long Walk in Windsor. Some things never change...
We've revisited our typical sandy playground. Not pictured: my vessel was, yet again, overtaken by a child a third of my size.

And here are a few snapshots from the London section.

We took a train from Windsor to London. Here is a sign on the train's bathroom.

Hamley's, the oldest toy store in the world. These statues are made entirely of Legos™.
That's just about it for this blog series. However, we still have two bonus blogs coming up, so don't leave yet!

Thanks for reading!


American to British Translator

English is the national language of both America and England, but there are still some words that the two nations can't quite agree on. American is on the left, while British is on the right. Enjoy!

Dessert ---> Pudding

Elevator ---> Lift

Trunk (as in a car) ---> Boot

Jelly ---> Jam

Gelatin dessert/jello ---> Jelly

Bathroom ---> Loo

French fries ---> Chips

Chips ---> Crisps

The lesson here is: when someone asks if you want pudding, they are asking if you want dessert. It has nothing to do with the actual substance of pudding. So when they ask you what you want for pudding, don't keep replying "pudding" like a total idiot. Not that I've ever done that... I'm not that dumb, of course... yeah...

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