Monday, December 30, 2013

The least interesting post in the world

Today we did very little that was particularly interesting. Sorry, fans. There were some interesting tidbits, though. We flew to the south of Thailand today, and we found this cheery little message when we arrived at our new hotel

In case you can't tell, that's "welcome" spelled with flower petals, in satisfyingly chunky letters. It even came with its own towel elephant, with, I think, bits of leaves for eyes.

Now comes the surprising part. We saw a real elephant as well! It was standing right next to the beach that we visited. I put my hand on its skin, and was surprised at what I felt. It was covered in long, prickly hairs, and its skin had a hint of softness to it. You probably wouldn't guess that it was an animal if you didn't know any better. The elephant is apparently always here on Mondays and Fridays, so we won't see him again. Pity.

To add to the wildlife report, we saw a couple of hermit crabs along the beach. I named the one below Hermie and made him the mascot for my sandcastle army.

Don't expect anything more interesting tomorrow. In fact, expect the blog to be less interesting, as I am going to be in hibernation at the beach and pool. Jealous?

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