Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hong Kong Summer School

Greetings once again from exciting Hong Kong! My blog is less linear now that our stay in Hong Kong is long enough that it's not jam-packed with wild adventures. Now I just post any random tidbit that I feel like. It's a rough life.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this important message.

We are sorry to cut into this enjoyable blog, but important news has reached us. The Hong Kong summer school is now open! We have extracted the facets of education that were just waiting to pop out from Hong Kong life. Hong Kong has everything, including, but not limited to:



Math/ social studies!


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Well… I guess that ad pretty much summed up my blog post for me. I'll do a nice, big post tomorrow so I can feel useful. Thanks for reading.

Coming up: South Hong Kong Island versus North!

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