Sunday, August 11, 2013

Final day of Kangaroo Island

Today, unfortunately, was our last day to enjoy Kangaroo Island. We revisited sand boarding, to ensure we got the most possible fun out of it. Because we're too crazy to stop after one try.

But something interesting happened on the way there. We stopped at a rocky area with several tide pools. My dad noticed how huge the spray was in one area when waves came, and decided that it would be a good idea to have his picture taken with the spray.

Then, as he was walking back, a giant wave came and knocked him over. He had to take off his shirt, pants and socks and hang them from the car windows.

It wasn't a packed day like usual, so that's just about everything interesting that happened today.

Wildlife report:

More kangaroos

Extremely brave bird (it landed on our car!)

Not photographed:

Dad in his underpants

1 comment:

  1. I am shocked that something like that would happen to Brian. And thank you for not posting Brian in is underwear.
