Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lizard Island

Today we flew out to Lizard Island,another island within the Great Barrier Reef. Unfortunately, we flew there on a plane, which is a lot less exiting than wings. At least we didn't have to steer, and there were amazing views of the Great Barrier Reef.

Once we arrived on Lizard Island, we were quick to get in the water and snorkel. The water was warm enough to don a shorty wetsuit, a kind of wetsuit without full arms and legs. We saw a great number of fabulous fish, from hordes of tiny blue fish rushing past to large, coral-munching purple fish. On our second trip out, after a break for lunch, we saw a turtle and a stingray. My mom broke off from the group partway in, and of course saw another turtle.

Survival on the island was hard.
Liquid was scarce. Here I am
trying to break open a coconut.

Our pilot worried me. I'm
pretty sure that's an iPhone in
the picture. Do texting & driving
rules apply to planes?

Wildlife report:

Monitor lizard

Australian leaping clam
Note: hoax.

Not photographed:

Note: these should have been in
several previous reports. I apologize.

Two sea turtles


Fish. Many, many, many fish.

Small but courageous lizard
Note: ran across my mom's foot!

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