Sunday, August 18, 2013

Outback Outtakes

Fast fact- I'm blogging from 33,000 feet, flying through the sky at 628 mph, more or less. Anyway, there were a few funny photos that never made it on the blog... until now. Here they are in all their glory...

I blast dad with my patented InvisibleRayInYourHand Deluxe.

The pilot gets some help from his passengers.
We really did push the plane.

We found out that our favorite restaurant
from England was also in Sydney. Less than
a block away from our hotel.

All they served the dugongs at the aquarium was lettuce.
The staff had set up a fake restaurant for the dugongs, complete
with a charming little menu.
Instead of fruit juice, I received a potion.

This was my kid's menu at a restaurant that we went to. You
pulled the lever to change the picture.

That's all for now!

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